From: Tom Howard Contest News from John Reid <>
Subject: Results: Tom Howard Prose Contest
Date: Wednesday, 15 September, 2010, 7:40
Tom Howard Poetry Contest WILL CLOSE SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
Tom Howard Short Story, Essay & Prose Contest IS NOW OPEN
Here are a few tips for winning writing competitions generally from my book, "Write Ways to WIN WRITING CONTESTS". Take a look at some of the entries that have won prizes in past years. Genre and style are two things to check. For instance, it's no use submitting a story or a poem written in a flowery or what might be described as an "old-fashioned" style, if that style is not evident in any entries in that particular contest that have won prizes or commendations in the past.
You're also almost certainly throwing money away if your language is Elizabethan and all the previous winning and commended entries could have been published yesterday in "The New York Times".
You'll note that on the other hand, Tom Howard winners are written in every style imaginable!
As for genre, ask yourself if any of the previous winning and commended entries relate to your planned genre. For example if no science-fiction or mystery thrillers have captured prize money or at least made the commended list in the past, they're not going to succeed this year either!
On the other hand, Tom Howard winners have used genres right across the board!
Amazon have reduced the price of the new, expanded edition of my "Write Ways to WIN WRITING CONTESTS". The book has been completely revised, re-written and re-set. Despite all this, and an additional 20 pages of helpful text, the price has been lowered to only $12.50 officially, but Amazon at present have the book on sale for only $11.25!
This book is also available in a Kindle edition. Please use this link: Write Ways to WIN WRITING CONTESTS
As mentioned above, all subjects and genres are welcome for both our Prose and Poetry Contests. For the Prose Contest, for example, you may submit comic and humorous stories and essays, mystery, science fiction, romance and other genres. Even newspaper and magazine articles and interviews. And even one-act plays. The only restriction is that entries must not exceed 5,000 words.
The Tom Howard Poetry Contest is one of the very, very few poetry contests that impose NO RESTRICTIONS ON THE LENGTH OF YOUR POEMS. And you may also submit as many entries as you like!
The Tom Howard Poetry Contest is now open, BUT IT WILL CLOSE ON SEPTEMBER 30!
The judges wish to congratulate all the entrants named below on their splendid achievements. We wish we had space to name all the Commended entries as well, but space has forced us to limit ourselves to those entries that were judged Highly Commended and/or prizeworthy.
The judges added an extra $150 Most Highly Commended Award, plus a special $100 Encouragement Award, which increased the prize pool by $250, making a grand total of prize money awarded for this particular contest: $5,800.
1. Paper Daughter by Emily Jiang
2. The Brave One by M.T. Gabrick
3. Hall of Fame by Arlene Lidbergh-Jasper
4. The Balcon by Mari Grana
5. It Happened in Monaco by Linda Zabolski
6. The Train to Harare by Lance Mason
7. Challenge the Wind by Judy Willman
8. Indian Train Journey by Annie Eagleton
9. The Swan Goose by Mary Lou Simms
10. 8 Missed Birthdays by Arielle Kaden
11. Black Saturday by Fern Langmead
Special Encouragement Award $100:
Penny, the Police and Professionals by Suzanne Covich
Halcyon Afternoon by Amber Herrick
In Search of Spike by Mello White
Ellie by Wendy Dartnall
Winter Sun by Lou O. Madison
A Little Bird Shall Lead them by Diana Thurbon
Jesse's Great Escape by Beverley Lessard
Two Birds by Amanda Stein
Death in Foul Ground by Ted Walker
A Christmas Tree for God by Elizabeth MacDonald Burrows
'Happily Ever After' Left With Daddy by Debra Gundy
One Seashell, Two Seashell, Flap, Flap, Flap by Erik X. Raj
The Red Trunk by Stephanie Burster
An Ecclesiastical History by Fred McGavran
The Oak Tree by Victoria Gouldthorp
Strangers on a Train by Danielle Bennett
Nature's Sweetness by Noelle Bickle
As It Was in the Beginning: Holy Week Seville by Mari Grana
What You Made of Me by N. B. Bourne
The State San by Debbie Fox
After the Banquet Is Thrown by Sheila Strulowitz
Nobody's Child by Sherrie Collins
Hurricane Season in Texas PLUS Ms. Brown by Laura Donnell
The First Day by John Freda
The Russian Officer by Elaine Slater
Killing the Bull Thistle by Rodney Nelsestuen
Breath by Lisa Morris
Take a Leaf from the Tree PLUS After All PLUS Lost by Martin Steele
A Complete Romantic by Julia Kaverzine
Beachcomber by Tim Porter
Cemetery of the Innocent by James Weis
Til Then by Joy Zito Dovel
The Rejection by Vivien K. Harris
Lost Time by Craig Petree
Who Am I by Jason McClearen
Miriam's Miracle by Steve Roberts
"Happily Ever After" Left with Daddy by Debra Gundy
My Mind Is Slowly Going by Shirley Dilley
Magic Fish Potion Number Five by Mark Smith
Fading from View by Simon Luckhurst
Grif by Glynn Leyshon
The Gift by June Hubatsek
Memorial Day by John T. Hitchner
A Time to Keep by James Facos
Legacy by James D. Young
The Boatman by John Corvese
Overalls by John Rehfuss
Searchin' Out Spike by James D. Young
A Place of Peace by W.D. West
You've No Idea What I've Found by Alice R. Marks
The Bell Ringer by Robert Kritkausky
Loving Sam by David McFarland
Live! From Mongolia by Patricia Sexton
Fleeing Callignee by Rebekah Jennings
Chameleon by Rebekah Jennings
Scar the Glowing Haze by Danielle Bryant
Keepsake by Jillian Healand
Sending a Voice – Native Americans in the Movies by Daniel A. Brown
Uncertainty at the Water's Edge by David Jackson
Legend of the White Wolf by Brad Cook
The Corn Field by Robert Yearick
Roses by Jeffe Aronson
The Stock Broker by John Hancock
An Inconvenient Cow by Alana Bregin
40 Degrees by Matthew Lange
Words by Bernie Dowling
It Was the Strangest Thing by Terry Hopper
Orange Sky by Ryan Surace
Before Sweetness Stings by Mary Lee Costa
Withered Garlands by Darlene Marlow
Malabar by Mark Wagstaff
White Butterfly by Dick Sheffield
Tesseract by Anjuli Adler
Home from Taos by Elayne Bentley
Tale of The by Sean W. Murphy
Great Circle by Joseph Rizzo
Beyond the Blue Yonder by Karen Patterson
One Less Counted by Kim Jordana Robinson
Southside Saturday by Leilani Allen
More Than Paper by Emily Dickson
Compline by Alisa Weis
Cecelia by Laura Loomis
Life Is Not a Dream by George Keithley
Night and Fog by George Keithley
The Wolf by George Keithley
Mingus Today by George Keithley
White Snow Blackout by Joseph A. Byrne
Music or Medicine? by Sherwin Kaufman
Shadows Over Yanoun by Michael J. Cooper
You Don't Have To Be an Einstein by Michael J. Cooper
A Real No-Talent Guy by Donald Fitzpatrick
A Bump in the Road to the Moon by Billy J. Adams
The Friend I Never Met by J. Graham Ducker
An American Address by Austin Kenny
Strangers at the Station by Terry Hopper
Travelling Companions by Peter Jones
A New Outlook by Peter Jones
The Beckoning Heart by John C. Maxfield
The Kiss of God by Natasha Jennings
The Great Pharaoh by Vetella A. Camper
Given Time by David Jones
A Canada Goose: Beyond the Deformity by Mary Lou Simms
The Last Henderson Girl by Dennis R. Rader
Feline Meanderings by Jack Carbee
Making the Call by Kevin P. McCabe
Abracadabra Magic by Charlene Wexler
The Mystical Forest by Brian Ellis
The Young and the Swift by Morgan Smith
Arnold's Gift by William Hanson
Bear Legged by Curran Dobbs
The Fortune Cookie by Tom Walters
Who's Thomas Evergreen by Shannon Brown
Lotto by Ellen Portal
Earth-vibrating Laughter by Evans Simubali
The Stupormundi Effect by Alan Ecob
Lazarus, Come Forth! by Brighten Cambridge
Sudden Death by Gillian Lin
Olympic Champion Charlie Greene's Long Run to Faith by Robert B. Robeson
Gone Forever On Christmas Night by Tirrea Billings
The Best and the Brightest by Laura T. Jensen
The Be's and the Bain'ts by Benson Hewitt
A February Parade by Jerry Ezell
The Way of the Rooster by Jerry Ezell
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