Monday, December 28, 2009



Fw: Margaret Reid Poetry Prize Results

--- On Tue, 15/12/09, Tom Howard Contest News from John Reid <> wrote:

From: Tom Howard Contest News from John Reid <>
Subject: Margaret Reid Poetry Prize Results
Date: Tuesday, 15 December, 2009, 5:24

The Annual $5,550 Margaret Reid Poetry Prize for Traditional Verse is open! The annual $5,550 Tom Howard Short Story, Essay and Prose Contest is also open for entries! And also open, as of right now, is the annual $5,550 Tom Howard Poetry Contest for Verse in All Styles and Genres. To celebrate this occasion, an anthology of 98 poems by Tom Howard (including 75 previously unpublished) went on sale this morning at Amazon and other book stores. The website for the Tom Howard Poetry Contest is    

As promised, here is the full Winning and Commended List for the 2009 Margaret Reid Poetry Prize for Traditional Verse! The judges wish to extend their heartiest congratulations to ALL entrants who figure on this list:

First Prize $2,000: Judith Goldhaber: The Bewick's Wren

Second Prize $1,000: Samuel Tan: 10 p.m. by the Singapore River

Third Prize $500: Rosmarie Epaminondas-Bohm: Miss Worthington

Fourth Prize $250: Ellaraine Lockey: Coming Home in a Haibun

5 High Distinction awards of $200 each (in order of merit): Carmine Dandrea: A Wake In The House

Elizabeth Davies: Time-Lapse Father—The Migrant Worker

Louis Giron: The Sleeper

Michael John Walsh: The Old Man from Malkala

Christine Hemp: All the Broken Toys

6 Most Highly Commended awards of $100 each (in order of merit): Judith Goldhaber: The Garden Spider

Paul Hamill: Day Sailing

Noble Collins: The Falcon

Debra Gundy: Reflections of Solitude

Alys Jackson: To Drift in Sandstone Folds

Jeanie Mercer: Haiku selections


Highly Commended (by number of entries Highly Commended): 

FIVE ENTRIES: Karen Winterburn, The Gift plus Endgame plus Lover Unknown plus Many Mansions plus Breaking Camp. 

FOUR ENTRIES: Tom Berman, Dark matter, dark energy plus On Viewing Comet Hale Hopp plus The Patterns of Chaos plus To every poet, his unicorn; Don Thackrey, Yellow Finch Reflection plus Tabby Toes plus The Relic in the Weeds plus Pa and the Misfits; Eve Burgum, Silver Beads of Ice plus Wishing on the Moon plus End of Summer Song plus The Barn Cat on the Prowl; Theresa D. Smith, Not Green, Everywhere plus A Peacock Villanelle plus The Dark Seemed to Make Room for Them plus Sestina. 

THREE ENTRIES: Lance Mason, My Sweater plus Views of the San Rafaels, April plus Tribute to Theodore; Kayleen Hazlehurst, Wild September Oranges plus From Liquid to Light plus Under the Ylang-Ylang Tree; Betty Leake, Tuscaloosa 1883 plus Death of an Owl plus Four Crows; Bernard Mann, A Jacobean Feast plus Beauty in the Burning plus Forested Hills Whisper; Elizabeth Davies, Sun-Warm Mangoes plus The Missing/Found Girls plus Morning Thunder; Louis Giron, The Sprinter plus Spring 2000, Lake Atitlan, Western Highlands, Gautemala plus No pottery this.  

TWO ENTRIES: Debra Gundy, Stir of Echoes plus The Written Word; Joseph Gorman: Sorrowful Mystery plus Harmless Doves and Hungry Owls; Diane Simkin, The Wait plus Garden of Remembrance; Patrick Walker, The Death Room plus An Old Score Settled; E.M. Schorb, Poetry in Motion plus The Bosnian Cherry; Louis Giron, The Sprinter plus Spring 2000, Lake Atitlan, Western Highlands, Gautemala; Michael Norris, Message from a Stowaway plus No Humdrum Conundrum; Tonni Riley, A Single Chard plus Like Water; Samuel Tan, To Chase the Threshold of Beauty plus Behind Guises; Gordon Leeder, Olga the Little Ostrich plus The Platypus; Paul F. Cummins, Vietnam Redux plus Under Cover; Christina Lovin, Trinity plus Fledge; Berwyn Moore, Tweezing the Bones plus Multiple Sclerosis.

Michaela Norris, Coastlines; Anna Carlson, Escape from Reality; Jennifer Albina, Free from Strings; Lynnda Ell, Sunrise Symphony; Michelle Adserias, Why Is He Here?; Elizabeth Ferrari, Two Weeks; David Hann, The Ballad of Jake Brakes; Susan Holcomb, Empty Window; Casie Smith, Written in the Sand; Kogi Singh, Senses; Iris Fsher, Old Church; Cill Van Der Velden, Unity; Kate Tilley, A Vision Exquisite and Rare; Barry Freeman, Song of Tanzania; M. Higgs, Broken Wing; Karl Williams, In Matthew's Eyes; Meg McGrew, The Runner; Jeff Howe, What I Meant; Jeannie Mercer, Windows Old and New; Michael John Walsh, Call All the Winds; Judith Goldhaber, The Garden Spider; Ellaraine Lockie, Saying Goodbye; Noble Collins, Now That I Have the Time; Charlie Blake, Paradise Ditched; Judi Macomber, Trill; Alberta Fredricksen, I Am; Helen Bar-Lev, Down the River Jordan in a Rubber Dinghy; Ency Bearis, An Introspection Of A Poet; R.N. Peat, At The Turn; Philip E. Burnham, Jr., Waiting for the Red-winged Blackbirds; Kevin Hoidale, Wings; Amie Goodwin, Langston Hughes Rewrite; Veronica Hallissey, Subjective Journey; Jackie Cartel, The Raven; Martin Mahler, Veil of Night; Andrew Barber, Money God; Rob Wright, Four Photographs of Poets; Ellaraine Lockey, Saying Good-Bye; Michaela Norris, Message from a Stowaway; Jordan Reyne, Ghosts [Song 7 in "How the Dead Live"].


Commended (by number of entries Commended):

Four Poems: Vivian Franz, Acceptance plus Enlightenment plus Query plus Conspiracy; Sherwin Kaufman, The Child in Us plus A Child's Vision plus Reverie plus Child's Play.   

Three Poems: Robert (Bob) Patterson, A Book, With Pictures plus The Approaching Storm plus Going Home; Frank Salvidio, Magnets plus Calypso plus Canto V.

Two Poems: Helen Bar-Lev, Close to the Solstice plus Letter to a Distant Friend; Carmen Dandrea, A Fable of Flies plus Counting Out My Growth in Deaths; Janet Ireland Trail, The Bookshelf plus Learn from the Masters; Edgar H. Koch, Rondelet Septettes plus Harley Davidson's Debut; Joan Blake, Brownian Motion or Science/Social; Moira France, The Clipper Ship plus Predator and Prey; Floyd E. "Skip" Hughes, In a Glass, Darkly plus Verweilen; Sean Arthur Joyce, Moth Evolution plus Conversations with Crow; Maria Tucciarone, Evocation plus Domination.      

Michelle Adserias, Ode to the Old Gold Rooster; Martina Iacomi, Oceanna; Lynn Sadler, Backward Susan; Kate Prado, The Dreamcatcher's World; Bobby Nimocks, My Epitaph; Ruth Sabath Rosenthal, On Divining Sanctuary; James Eric Watkins, love: recast; Gary Drewniak, Over the Fence; Devon Moody, The Mammoth; Amy Kaufman, Sestina; Daniel Lee Mishkin, Stop and Smell the Roses; Marcella Putowski, Brancusi's Bird in Flight; L. Nkwoma Masi, Message to Mia; Phil Wilson, Timepiece; Austin Diamond, Destiny; Clyta Coder, Stepping Stones; Alice R. Marks, Would I?; Mary Zan Sweet, 8 haiku; Evans Simubali, My Name Is Terrorism; Francis W. Lovett, Holy Wells of Ireland; Marilyn Joy, A Woman Who Once Rode an Elephant in India; Stanley M. Noah, Any Beach Is A Meandering Place; Jejeola-akinola Theopilus Olatunji, EDEN the HOME; Adelina Aleksandrova, The night when you washed my hair; Joanne Durda Watkins, The Shadow of Imagination; Kevin Hoidale, The Hidden; Noelle M. Brannon, A Real Man; Melody A. Mitchell, Watching Her Die; Judith M. Cull, Rubaiyat of Pompeii; Jackie Cartel, When we were young; Martin Mahler, We Must Confront the Dark


Our previous anthologies of winning entries include SAILING IN THE MIST OF TIME: Award-Winning Poems

The latest Margaret Reid title is Love & City Dreaming: Poems by Margaret Havill Reid. Margaret's range and versatility in this book provide an excellent guide to the verse we are seeking for the Margaret Reid Prize. Margaret was a great champion of humorous verse, for example, illustrated in this book by delightful parodies like "The Wiz of Wizzinzee" and "Muzzacoffalox". She wrote serious poetry too, like "Face of the City", romantic verse such as "Loving You", spiritual verse ("His Light") , descriptive ("Nodding Among Geraniums"), political ("Myopia"), philosophical ("Was There a Silver Sea?"), reflective ("Time"), satirical ("Blinking into Day"), children's ("Mida, the Spider"), playful ("Superstar'), serious ("Raging Planet"), you-name-it ("The Hall of Mirrors").

Another book I recommend of course is my Write Ways to WIN WRITING CONTESTS: How To Join the Winners' Circle for Prose and Poetry Awards, If you've been wasting your time and money sending great stories or magnificent poems to Contests that immediately place them in the reject basket, you need to read this book.

This year, the prize pool for our prose and poetry contests have been increased to $5,550 (including a First Prize of $3,000). Entry fees will not be increased. The entry fee for the prose contest will remain at $15 for each short story or essay up to 5,000 words in length. There are ten cash prizes in all, but the judges do reserve the right to award extra cash prizes if they so desire. For the last prose contest, the judges awarded no less than $500 in additional prizes, bringing the total prize pool up to $5,850 instead of the advertised $5,350!

To enter your poems in our current poetry contests, you will find full information at OR You will note that although the prize-money has been increased, entry fees remain at $7 for every 25 lines. Unlike almost all other contests, we impose no limits on the number of lines or number of poems you may submit.

You can also visit the home page of and click on the contests at the top left of the screen.

As stated above, the Tom Howard Short Story, Essay & Prose Contest is open. Entries will close on March 31, 2010. Again, let me make it clear at once that we are seeking entries in ALL categories, including "literary" fiction, but most particularly we would like to award prizes to popular, everyday, mainstream stories, essays and prose, as even a casual glance at our anthologies of winning and commended entries such as Keep Watching the Skies! An Anthology of Prize-Winning Short Stories will soon make plain.

You'll find full details at

One of the key recommendations in my Write Ways to WIN WRITING CONTESTS is that you take a look at some of the entries that have won prizes in previous contests. This will give you some idea of the types and varieties of stories and prose pieces that have won prizes in the past. The book I recommend here is WATCHING TIME: Anthology of Prizewinning Essays & Short Stories

Amazon also stock two of our previous collections of winning prose, namely Keep Watching the Skies! An Anthology of Prize-Winning Short Stories as mentioned above, and Mr Christian and the Bag Lady: An Anthology of Prize-Winning Stories

And finally I notice Amazon are still selling the new, expanded edition of "Write Ways..." for only $11.25 (which is considerably less than the original edition, even though the new edition has more pages and lots more valuable information): Write Ways to WIN WRITING CONTESTS: How To Join the Winners' Circle for Prose and Poetry Awards, NEW EXPANDED EDITION

With all my very best wishes for your writing success in 2010!


Thursday, November 5, 2009





Fw: Tripbase Writing Competition Result.

--- On Mon, 2/11/09, Chris Rutherford <> wrote:

From: Chris Rutherford <>
Subject: Tripbase Writing Competition Result.
Date: Monday, 2 November, 2009, 16:54

Hi there,

The Tripbase Creative Writing Competition has now come to a close and the judges have made their decisions.

Congratulations! Your entry has been judged to receive the Runner Up position!

You can check out the placing here:

Also, you have been awarded a special badge for your efforts!

Please use this HTML in order to paste your badge to your blog and have it displayed proudly as an outstanding creative achievement:

<div><a href=""><img src="" alt="Tripbase Creative Writing Competition 2009 Runner Up" border="0"></a><br /><span style="font-size: 10px; font-family: sans-serif; display: block; text-align: center; width: 125px;"><a href="">Competition by Tripbase</a></span></div>

Please don't hesitate to email me if there are any problems.

Congratulations again,
Chris Rutherford.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The World of the Loving, the Loved and the Lovable

Welcome to everyone's dream world where sweet words from the sweetie of your heart is the sweetener of your soul. Whether you are in courtship or in marriage, this oil which is in form of touching words is guaranteed to reduce friction in your relationship. Either I spoke the words myself or my spouse spoke them to me. In fact they go beyond romantic boundaries for they have a therapeutic effect on those who are unwell. Initially we meant them to be between me and my spouse but on second thoughts we decided to let the whole world get in our privacy---hopefully our unforgettable contribution to the global village. Touch the roses  in the name of the loving, the loved and the lovable.

ROSE 1       You are lovely beyond any singing of it and you lift my heart with joy and 
                    wonder. Your face is shining like an angel. You are brighter than all stars
                    of heaven put together. If I composed a song, it would be entitled "My
                    Sweetie" and I would sing it every second of the minute, every minute of
                    the hour, every hour of the day, every day of the week, every week of the
                    month and every month of the year.

ROSE 2        A minute without seeing you is like spending one thousand years in prison.
                    Oh, how lovely it is to be with you and how uplifting it is to bask in your glory!

                    When you go anywhere away from me, jealousy grips me and I tremble like
                    a reed shaken by violent winds and raging waters.

                    Your absence is a millstone round my neck, a toss into the bottomless pit.
                     When you are away from me, pressure punches fatal blows on me, like a
                     world boxing heavyweight champion intending to knock out his opponent.
                     I wish you would dissolve in my blood so that you would be circulating to
                     all parts of my body.

Marketing Quantum Leap

Make me your business partner and I will make you a business magnet that will pull the entire planet to yourself. You will know how I turned the global economic downturn upside down. The mystique of my prowess is that I can zoom anyone's industrial doom and gloom to boom. The sly can try to fly sky-high but this is a false coarse course. I yearn to learn to earn through global positive links with those whose businesses grow and glow. Together we can reach the unreachable for the weaklings. I have globalized myself and I am dying to globalize your business, to turn your company into a household name of earthshaking repute.

            By  Evans Simubali


 Blog Name:


 First Name: Evans

Last Name: Simubali

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 25th February, 1968

Township: Pemba

Country: Zambia

Occupation: High School Teacher, Writer

Interests: Teaching, Reading, Writing

About Me: I have been a high school teacher of English Language and Literature in English in Zambia for about 20 years. In 2002 I published a novel which highlights gender equality/equity as an indispensable element of sustainable human development. This novel became a set book for the School Certificate given by the Examinations Council of Zambia in 2008. In 2009 I obtained a certificate of competence as a published writer from the Writers Bureau in Manchester. Moreover, I was published by Ezee-Writer, an online magazine that puts successful writers in the limelight. Between February and the end of 
October of the same year, I was published over 100 times as a commentator on socio-economic issues in Zambia on the Postbag Column by The Post, Zambia's leading newspaper. The sky is the limit for my writing pursuits. I can sell my jokes by auction and I am not sure of how  many lorryloads of pounds, dollars or euros the highest bidder could give me. For instance, it rained cats and dogs in my home area recently. When it just showered the following day, I said that it rained kittens and puppies. Advertising is my daily bread.'FREE CAR FOR THE FIRST MALE OR FEMALE WEARING THE LATEST PRESIDENTIAL SMILE', and such stuff is my stock-in-trade. If  you are looking for a small big guy who can make toothless people scramble for tooth brushes or who can move Tundra Region inhabitants to move heaven and earth to buy fridges, you have found me. Have a field day. This is the tiny picture of me. As for the bigger picture, explore my blogging kingdom every day where mouthwatering words will always be a feast for your senses.Otherwise I enjoy writing travel stories, romance, science fiction, articles, short stories, poems, biographies and so on, the whole spectrum of fiction and nonfiction.Get ready for pleasure and insight. On my blog, get set, goooooooooooooo!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Amazing Summer Holiday

                                      Macrosoft Infinite Computer World

No sooner had I arrived at Kyoto than I concluded that I would have my dream holiday.The place was brighter than all stars of heaven put together. It was lovely beyond any singing of it and it lifted my heart with joy and wonder. Soft, caressing music was playing all over the city and I smelt the most aromatic perfumes there, as well as mouthwatering foodstuffs. Mura was overjoyed to receive me at the airport. He drove me to his house. 

Reaching there, I heard different sounds of something. It clucked like a hen, quacked like a duck, chattered like a monkey, croaked like a frog, barked like a dog, bleated like a sheep, hissed like a snake, hooted like an owl, mewed like a cat, lowed like an ox, gibbered like an ape, screamed like an eagle, buzzed like a bee, cooed like a dove and neighed like a horse.

"Cheer up. This is the Macrosoft Infinite Computer. Because it uses Windows Infinite, it has infinite possibilities. The ordinary Microsoft Computer's limited and outdated. You 're in the heart of the extraordinary world," said Mura.

We entered the largest room. The computer itself was a complex machine with all the colours of the rainbow. He switched it on. I saw different words on it: Scan, Replay, Disappear, Reappear, Convert, Transform..It was a very long list of them. He entered Scan.
I saw the map of the world. He entered Landmasses.Oh, it was a fantastic sight. I could see all the places in the world. He highlighted my home area. Wow! I could see the trees, the buildings, the animals, the birds and the insects.

"This is technology at its peak. We 're protecting the environment from effects of global warming and from terrorist activities. We 're anti-terrorists with the most civilized way of fighting against terrorism. We don't fight fire with fire. In trying to hit back at terrorists with bombs and guns, we may end up killing noncombatants and unwittingly become terrorists ourselves. How can we tell that this bomb blast or gunshot 'll kill only our enemies and not
innocent people?"

Using the computer, Mura scanned the world again. I saw a plane flying towards Kyoto. He touched the computer here and there and said that we should go outside. Du-du-du-du-du-du. Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu. I heard an outlandish sound. It deafened my ears. Where I stood with Mura, the earth shook. I thought it would open up and swallow us. The smoke from the two-winged metallic object choked the atmosphere. Mura said that I should feel at ease.

The plane dropped some bombs. They fell down like pieces of paper--harmless. When it dropped other bombs, I witnessed a spectacular scene. The bombs approached the plane, the plane dodged them. The bombs went up; the plane came down.A few minutes later, both the plane and the bombs were out of sight. We went back to the computer to check what was appearing on it.

"Look, the plane's landed safely where it came from and the bombs 've gone back to the manufacturing industry where they 've diffused all other bombs," said Mura.

"How did all that magic happen?" I asked, my heart in my mouth.

"Before we went outside, I entered www.macrosoft.diffuse. A diffuse substance shot out of the computer pipe and was directed at the bombs at a terrific speed. Diffused, they fell down harmless as you saw them. I also entered www.macrosoft.pursue. As a result the bombs pursued the plane.Every operation you 've seen was computerized. We also manage to prevent guns from exploding," Mura said.

"What made you acquire this technology?" I asked.

"The desire to protect the environment from the effects of global warming and from terrorism. Who in his right mind can be happy about diseases, the death of innocent people, the destruction of animals, trees, fish and the land itself? The world needs special
people with special technology and initiative and we are the people. Enough's enough. We were victims of the what? Was it the Mashirohi-Kisagana destruction in 1945? Moreover, we 've heard about the 9/11 attack, the gulf wars, the savage effects of climatic changes, just to mention but a few. Because we 've suffered most, we 've decided to be leaders in the fight for peace.Macrosoft Infinite Computer's our chief weapon."

I was transported with joy to get Mura's revelations and I asked him to teach me Macrosoft Infinite Computer Technology. I learnt it at a fast pace. On one occasion I detected spies in the country and masterminded a plan to ambush them. The plan came off. They were detained. On another occasion I detected terrorists in the country. I learnt that they were speaking in code. Having learnt the code, I pretended to be one of them by saying that I was the worst terrorist in the world. I faked numerous accounts of innocent people I had bombed. When the terrorists believed me, I organized a way of rounding them up. I achieved my goal with flying colours.

"The same Macrosoft Infinite Computer's helping us in space exploration. We 're making progress in the possibility of settling on Mars. The computer's helping us in dealing with atmosphere, pressure, gravity and ice on Mars, among other challenges. D'you want me
to tell you a secret?"


"We believe that in the distant future our continent will sink into the sea as a result of  natural forces. Therefore, it's not a coincidence that we 're the most active in terms of
 technological advancement.We suffered in the past, we are suffering now and we 'll suffer  in future unless we take drastic security measures. Hopefully, when the crisis comes, we  'll have found ourselves a safe home away from the earth."

Having become a Macrosoft Infinite Computer wizard, I started an M R project. M R was a computerized football referee. He had a head, eyes, a nose, ears, a mouth, arms, hands and legs like a real human being. He could blow the whistle, hold the ball, run to the spot where a player had committed a foul, put the ball down and wave in the air, signalling where a kick or throw-in was to be directed. My aim was to have a lasting solution to the
problem of the bias of human referees.

I tested M R on small matches. I could set the computer on Automatic and go to watch the match. The story of a non-human referee spread like a bomb scare in Kyoto and hit newspaper, radio and TV headlines as a milestone in the development of football refereeing standards. Eventually Macrosoft became a popular name for children born in the country at that time. I felt on top of the world because that was my own initiative. M R boosted my image. Scores of people flocked to me, each one intending to shake hands with me or to take a photo of me.

For the first time in a major football match, I used M R. The Nation of Hills and Mountains(NHM) was playing against the Nation of Four Main Islands(NFMI) in a cup final.
M R held the ball, ran with it, put it at the centre of the pitch, waved at the two goalkeepers and blew the whistle to mark the beginning of the match.

The stadium which was filled to capacity roared with excitement. Spectators were absorbed in the M R who controlled the match without assistant referees. An NHM player committed a foul. Pyooo! M R blew the whistle, ran to the spot, waved to the direction where NFMI were to take a free kick. The NHM goalkeeper dived and missed the ball. Ah, it hit the upright!

The match went on. An NFMI player kicked the ball off the field. Pyooo! M R blew the whistle and signalled that it was a throw-in for NHM. NHM players headed the ball to each
other. One of them brought it down, zigzagged his way through five NFMI players and took a hard shot. Pyooo! M R blew the whistle to mark the opening goal. NHM supporters went on the field and lifted both the scorer and the referee. I felt that I was lifted shoulder-high too.The match was controlled perfectly well from the beginning to the end.

My Kyoto summer holiday will always be unforgettable. It exposed me to a different world of  surpassing technology. I went there as a zero but I came back as a hero.Travelling to dynamic and positive-thinking people is one of the secrets of development. I hope Macrosoft Infinite Computer Technology will be explored further and will be a huge instrument in the world's quest for peace and sustainable human development, I thought as I was flying back home.


Length: About 1500 words

Writer: Evans Simubali

Address: Pemba High School,
              Private Bag 1,
              CENTRAL AFRICA.